• Annual and Semi-Annual payments are available, in addition to monthly or quarterly, to match your annual budget
  • Can be treated as an Operating Expense to avoid Capital Budget constraints
  • Conserve cash and bank lines
  • Lock in today’s rates/payments for up to 72 months
  • Get all the gear you need now, no need for stages
  • Faster and easier than bank financing
  • Larger approval amounts w/out financials
  • Bundle the entire project and multiple vendors in a single contract
  • 100% financing – soft costs, freight, design fees, installation, and training (25% cap)



  • Tax-Free rates for Public Schools
  • We can finance the entire project
  • Private Schools: $500K+ with a single application and bank statements.
  • Public Schools; pricing and terms are based on the current Bond rating or equivalent
  • Custom payments from 12 – 72 months
  • Deferred Payments up to 180 Days (Private Schools)
  • Can structure Financing, Leasing, or Rental